Cosmetic Dentistry


Cosmetic Dentistry Overview

Your smile tells the world a lot about who you are, but if you are living with yellow, chipped, or broken teeth, you might not want to show it off. Fortunately, the field of cosmetic dentistry has created many treatment options that can give you the white, bright smile of your dreams.


Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

The main goal of cosmetic dentistry is to improve the appearance of your teeth, although some of the treatment options can also improve the structure and function, as well. At Complete Dental, some of our most common cosmetic dentistry procedures include:


  • Bonding. When your teeth are bonded, a tooth-colored resin is attached to the front surface in order to improve the appearance. This is most commonly done to correct chips and discolorations.
  • Veneers. Consisting of thin, hard shells of material, veneers slip over your teeth in order to mask many dental imperfections.
  • Whitening. Dental whitening is an affordable way to get a brighter smile, and it can be completed in the office or with an at-home system created by your dentist.
  • Crowns. Heavily damaged teeth may need a strong solution like a porcelain crown, especially for cracks or severe breaks in the teeth.
  • Tooth Contouring. If your teeth need to be reshaped, tooth contouring can smooth out rough edges and other minor problems.


Choosing Your Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure

With so many different options, it is important to select the right strategy that will best improve your smile. Our dentists can provide thorough consultations to find the best treatments for your unique mouth. In many cases, dental patients select more than one procedure for the full mouth makeover that they have always wanted.


You deserve to have a beautiful, confident smile that you are proud to show off. Call us at Complete Dental Today to learn more about our cosmetic dentistry services.


As time goes on, the teeth become more susceptible to damage as they wear down. It is almost inevitable that you will suffer a chip, discoloration, crack, or another dental health care problem, but help is out there. Dental veneers are a great way to restore your smile to its original appearance – or even better.


About Porcelain Veneers

A veneer is a thin shell of material designed to cover your natural teeth. It covers cracks, stains, and other imperfections, and it is often made out of porcelain. There are several great benefits to choosing this cosmetic dentistry option:


  • Efficient and effective. If you want to change the size, shape, and appearance of your teeth, porcelain veneers are a great solution, as they look just like the natural teeth.
  • Fast.  The procedure involved with placing veneers isn’t as involved as dental implants.
  • Durable. If you maintain your veneers properly, they can last for 10-30 years.
  • Stain-resistant. Porcelain veneers are a great option for patients with tooth discoloration, and they are also resistant to future stains.


Veneer Uses

Porcelain veneers can be used to correct a variety of dental problems:

  • Discolored teeth resulting from stains, root canal treatment, excessive fluoride, or other causes
  • Teeth that have worn down, broken, or chipped
  • Misaligned, irregularly shaped, or uneven teeth
  • Gapped teeth


The Process

The process of getting porcelain veneers usually takes several appointments. After your consultation, the teeth will be prepared by removing about ½ millimeter of enamel from the surface to make room for the veneer. A local anesthetic will be used to keep you comfortable during the process, and once the preparation is complete, an impression of your teeth will be made.


Your dentist will send your impression into a dental lab, which then constructs the veneers. Once they are complete, they are permanently cemented to your teeth, and they will be trimmed as needed to get the right size and shape.


Contact us today to learn more about porcelain veneers.

Periodontal Treatments

Regular cleanings are a great way to keep your teeth and gums healthy and free from periodontal disease. However, if it is found that you do have gum disease, you have several treatments at your disposal. The treatment option right for you will depend on your specific situation and the extent of the problem, but at Complete Dental, we always begin with the least invasive intervention.


Nonsurgical Treatment Options

There are a few periodontal treatment options that don’t involve surgery:


  • Scaling and root planing. This is usually the first line of defense against periodontal disease. It involves cleaning the teeth with an ultrasonic device to remove plaque and tartar. This includes removal from under the gum line and around the root.
  • Antibiotics. If you experience pockets in the gums, your dentist may recommend an antibiotic to reach the infection.


Even improved oral hygiene can go a long way to reverse your symptoms of periodontal disease.


Surgical Treatments

Unfortunately, if periodontal disease progresses, it could reach the point that non-surgical initiatives will no longer work. Surgery may then be required, and some of the most common procedures include:


  • Pocket depth reduction. Also known as flap surgery, this procedure involves folding back the gum tissue in order to remove bacteria hiding underneath. Especially damaged tissue might also be removed before the healthy gums are sewn back into place.
  • Soft tissue grafts. Gum recession can cause the roots to become exposed, and a soft-tissue graft can help. Tissue from the roof of your mouth will be sewn into the gum area in order to cover the roots.
  • Regeneration. The mouth can also be restored with a regeneration procedure, especially when the tissue and bone that support the teeth have been lost as a result of severe periodontal disease.


If you suspect that you might have periodontal disease and want to learn more about potential treatment options, contact us at Complete Dental today.


Invisalign® Info

Do you dream of a straighter smile, but can’t imagine wearing bulky, metal braces? If so, advances in dental technology have created a great alternative just for you – Invisalign. With the Invisalign system, you can effectively straighten your smile, and no one else has to know.


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an innovative dental treatment that can improve the alignment of your teeth without the use of traditional braces. Instead, you’ll wear a set of clear, plastic aligners. Unlike traditional braces that are cemented to your teeth, these trays are removable, and you’ll take them out to eat and drink


Invisalign Uses

The Invisalign system has a proven track record of success, giving dental hundreds of thousands of dental patients the amazing smiles they have always wanted. These custom-molded aligners can treat a variety of issues, including:


  • Widely spaced teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Underbites
  • Overbites
  • Crossbites


How the Invisalign System Works

Following your treatment plan closely will make or break the success of Invisalign on your smile. You’ll need to follow some important steps to get the most out of the system:


  • Invisalign aligners are to be worn a minimum of 22 hours a day. They should only be removed to brush and floss your teeth or while you are eating.
  • The aligners will move your teeth gradually, and every two weeks you will move to the next aligner in your set.
  • You will visit with your dentist every six weeks so that your progress can be monitored and necessary adjustments can be made.


Total treatment time with Invisalign will vary and is based on the amount of movement that your teeth need. Average treatment times can be as short as five months or as long as two years, and the length of your treatment will depend on the unique features of your mouth.


If you are ready to get the straight, beautiful smile that you have always wanted with Invisalign, call us today at Complete Dental.

Invisalign Teen® Info

Invisalign Teen is a special Invisalign version that was made to address the unique needs of teens. While this treatment option isn’t right for every teen, those that serve as good candidates can straighten their teeth efficiently and discreetly.


Is Your Teen a Candidate?

While only your dentist can tell you for sure if your teen will be a good candidate, Invisalign is a good option for many different people. This includes people with:


  • Gapped teeth
  • Over-crowing
  • Crooked teeth
  • Bite problems, like underbite, cross bite, and overbite


To be a good candidate, your teen will need to have healthy gums and teeth. It is also important that he has the self-discipline needed to follow the treatment plan, especially since your teen will be able to remove his aligners at will.


How Does Invisalign Teen Work?

If we determine that Invisalign Teen is a good option for your teenager, we will design a set of aligners based on his unique mouth. This is done by creating a digital 3D model of your teeth, which is used to map out every stage of the treatment. Each aligner will work to move your teen’s teeth a little more, so each must be slightly different.
Your teen will be required to wear his aligners for a minimum of 20-22 hours a day. Every two weeks, he will move to the next aligner in the set. They should be removed when he eats, drinks, and brushes.


Why Would Your Teen Want Invisalign?

Many teens enjoy Invisalign. It is a discreet way to straighten the teeth while breaking free of the dreaded metal mouth. It is also removable, so your teen will be able to eat his favorite foods and can continue to play sports without worry about injuries due to sharp metal brackets and wires.


If your son or daughter is interested in Invisalign Teen, contact us today to set up an evaluation.

Invisalign® Costs

Many people incorrectly assume that Invisalign is too expensive and not within their budget. Sadly, this prevents many individuals that could be great candidates from fully exploring this option. At Complete Dental, most of our patients are pleasantly surprised to learn just how affordable Invisalign really is, and we are glad to help you explore your financing options.


Invisalign Costs Are Similar to Traditional Braces

Paying for Invisalign treatment has never been more affordable. Despite popular misconceptions, the clear system of Invisalign isn’t much more expensive than traditional, metal braces. The primary factors that will determine the cost of your treatment will be the severity of your dental issue, which affects how long your treatment will be.


Insurance Coverage and Invisalign

The fact that many insurance plans cover some or all of the cost of Invisalign makes the treatment even more affordable. Many plans cover up to $3,500 toward treatment. Your employer Flexible Spending Account funds can also be used toward Invisalign, so your pre-tax earnings can be used toward improving your smile.


Other Cost Considerations

It is also important to consider how Invisalign will affect your life when you consider the cost. Since the system consists of clear aligners that most people won’t even notice, you can pursue your professional goals without worry about your smile. Your aligners can be removed briefly, so you’ll be able to use your regular mouth guard when playing sports. You can also eat what you want, so you won’t need to follow a special diet or make any changes to your shopping list.


At Complete Dental, we don’t want cost to stand in the way of getting you the smile that you’ve always wanted. Contact us today to learn more about the cost of the Invisalign system and to discuss pontifical financing options.

Invisalign® FAQs

Are you interested in Invisalign? If so, check out some answers to the most frequently asked questions.


How Does it Work?

The Invisalign system consists of clear, plastic aligners that slip on and off over your teeth. They are created from a 3D model of your mouth, and each aligner works to gradually move your teeth into their desired position. You’ll move on to the next aligner every two weeks, at which time certain teeth will be isolated to move. Invisialign controls the force applied to the teeth as well as the timing of the force.


How Long Do I Have to Wear My Aligners?

To stay on track with your treatment, you’ll need to wear your aligners for 20-22 hours per day. The longer you wear them, the better. The only time they should be removed is when you are caring for your teeth or eating.


Will They Hurt?

When you begin your Invisalign treatment, you may experience some initial discomfort. The same can be said every time you move on to the next aligner in the series. Most patients report that the discomfort is significantly less than the pain experienced with traditional braces. Plus, it is a sign that the system is working.


What Can I Eat?

One of the best benefits of Invisalign is that you don’t have to make any dietary changes. Since your aligners should be removed while you eat, you can continue to enjoy your favorite foods.


How Long Will I Need Treatment?

Treatment times will vary depending on the severity of your dental issue. Average adult treatment times are about 12 months, but can last as little as 5 months or over 2 years.


Do I Still Need to See My Dentist?

Yes. Just like traditional braces, you need to see your dentist regularly so that your progress can be evaluated. Appointments are every six weeks. Fortunately, they tend to be quicker than traditional braces checks.

Invisalign® Videos

The Go-To Mom Talks Invisalign